MSM: Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act, bill to help responders, may die

(NYDaily) – The House votes Wednesday or Thursday for the first time ever on a bill to care for the heroes and victims of Sept. 11, 2001 – and it’s likely to fail.

That’s because Democratic House leaders decided Tuesday to push ahead with the Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act under a rule that requires two-thirds approval to pass.

Many Republicans are concerned about the $10.5 billion price tag, and many don’t like the way it’s paid for.

News of the scheme immediately alarmed 9/11 responders.

“Whoever votes ‘No’ tomorrow should go to jail for manslaughter,” said John Feal, who lost half his foot at Ground Zero in the cleanup. Full article here

MSM: White House proposal would ease FBI access to records of Internet activity

(WashingtonPost) – The Obama administration is seeking to make it easier for the FBI to compel companies to turn over records of an individual’s Internet activity without a court order if agents deem the information relevant to a terrorism or intelligence investigation.

The administration wants to add just four words — “electronic communication transactional records” — to a list of items that the law says the FBI may demand without a judge’s approval. Government lawyers say this category of information includes the addresses to which an Internet user sends e-mail; the times and dates e-mail was sent and received; and possibly a user’s browser history. It does not include, the lawyers hasten to point out, the “content” of e-mail or other Internet communication. Continue reading

Video: Google and CIA Plough Millions Into Huge ‘Recorded Future’ Monitoring Project

See Also: (KurtNimmo) – Video: Google and CIA Fund Political Precrime TechnologyRead More Here

(SteveWatson) – Google’s cosy relationship with the U.S. spy network has once again been thrust into the spotlight as the company is reported to have jointly invested with the CIA in an Internet monitoring project that scours Twitter accounts, blogs and websites for all sorts of information, and can also “predict the future”. Continue reading

Video: Alex Talks to Inactive & Active Military Servicemen About Police State Activity in Their Area

Alex takes calls in the last hour today to talk to military personal about what police stae activity they’ve been hearing and seeing in their area within the past few months. Continue reading

Pharmaceutical drug contamination of waterways threatens life on our planet – Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) – The President’s Cancer Panel (PCP) recently released its yearly report to the President outlining the status of cancer in America. This year’s report focuses primarily on environmental factors that contribute to cancer risk. According to the report, pharmaceutical drugs are a serious environmental pollutant, particularly in the way they continue to contaminate waterways across the country (and the world).

Many reports have recently appeared about pharmaceutical contamination of water supplies, rivers, lakes and other waterways, but spokespersons from the drug and chemical industries have denied that this pollution poses any risk whatsoever to the environment. But this report, issued directly from PCP, provides a stunning indictment of the dangers associated with pharmaceutical pollution.

The executive summary of the PCP report includes the following statements: Continue reading

Obama’s US Assassination Program? Part 1 – Chuck Norris

(HumanEvents) – Sound too conspiratorial to be true? Like the cover-up ops of spy novels? Well, it’s reality. And it is possibly the most bizarre, inhumane and abusive way that the White House is expanding its power over the American people.

It’s not an extremist belief or theory of the far right. It’s a fact that has been confirmed by The New York Times, The Washington Post and MSNBC and even documented by the far-left online magazine

And it’s the gravest nightmare of U.S. citizens and abandonment of our Constitution to date: a presidential assassination program in which U.S. citizens are in the literal scopes of the executive branch based upon nothing more than allegations of terrorism involvement as the branch defines it. Continue reading

New Study Shows Vaccines Cause Brain Changes Found in Autism

(AgeofAutism) – Abnormal brain growth and function are features of autism, an increasingly common developmental disorder that now affects 1 in 60 boys in the US. Now researchers from the University of Pittsburgh and Thoughtful House Center for Children in Austin, Texas, have found remarkably similar brain changes to those seen in autism in infant monkeys receiving the vaccine schedule used in the 1990’s that contained the mercury-based preservative thimerosal. Continue reading

Video: Webster Tarpley – Media’s Wikileaks”CIA Style Spin”Gives Obama Excuse to Invade Iran & Pakistan!

Alex talks with author, journalist, speaker and radio talk show host Webster Tarpley about the Wikileaks Afghanistan documents and the latest developments on the coming conflict with Iran. Tarpley is the author of Obama: The Postmodern Coup and Barack H. Obama: The Unauthorized Biography, both available at Alex’s Infowars store. Continue reading

The United States Remains a British Colony III

(MoneyTeachers) – When the English Aristocracy and their Bankster Allies opposed Lincoln, in favor of the South, he issued the Emancipation Proclamation. The British people were opposed to slavery and the Proclamation drove a wedge between them and the Crown. In one stroke, Lincoln destroyed any hope the Southern States had of an open alliance with England and France.

The Banksters took a new approach. They focused their efforts at regaining control of Congress and the Republican Party. Money is the “milk-blood” of politics, and they prevailed. Lincoln was forced into a series of compromises near the end of the Civil War that doomed any chance of economic independence from the Bank of England and her minions in the US. In the words of the Chancellor of Germany (Otto Von Bismarck): Read More Here

BP Oil Gusher

For Your EYES ONLY: Gulf Killers Still at Large – J. Speer-Williams – Download Word Doc Here

(Guardian) – 100 days of oil: Gulf life will never be the same – Read More Here

REPOST – (Renst) – Video: Rense & Icke, Gulf Oil Disaster June 29th, yet timeless, excerpt – Video Link Here

(Makow) – Oil Used as a Pretext for Corexit?

The story from Mathew Simmons (that the oil well was never capped and was still raging at full speed) has been deemed to be a misleading fraud. [Price & fell for it. Apologies] It looks like the purpose of his “disclosure” was to get us to believe that the major cause of death in the gulf region is from methane gas and abiotic oil, WHEN IN FACT, the cause of death is corexit. Read More Here

Michigan Spill

(LansingStateJournal) – Kalamazoo River oil spill – A Michigan environmental disaster – Read More Here

(Fox17News) – Video: Enbridge Energy Crude Oil Spill into Kalamazoo River – Video Link Here


Video: CONFIRMED – LAB TESTED Gulf Coast Water Samples are ‘VERY TOXIC’ – Sea Spray is POISONOUS

Oil and water samples were taken from both the Shores of Grand Isle and from 20 miles out. The preliminary analysis was done at an academic analytical chemistry laboratory. Looking for the likely pollutants from the deep water Horizon Oil spill. It was focused on the detection of benzene and propylene glycol. Benzene and other highly toxic contaminants were very low however the concentration of propylene glycol was between 360 and 440 parts per million. Continue reading

The Future is Being Written Right Now

(BLN) – The Establishment is Fighting to Stay Alive as the Globe Reaches a Critical Juncture in History

The world, it seams, is reaching a critical juncture in history. Current trends are pointing towards dramatic changes in government and society. Long standing institutions are scrambling to stay afloat as new rivals challenge old ideas. Meanwhile, the global elite, foreseeing these changes, is fighting to retain control over a global system that is being torn apart by economic meltdown and a global political awakening. As top global strategists like Zbigniew Brzezinski have admitted, cracks are forming in the many bases of establishment control. Continue reading

Is Barack Obama the Ultimate Sleeper Agent?

(BorderfireReport) – Not far from where I live in New Jersey , in Montclair , Richard and Cynthia Murphy were arrested as RuAlan Carubassian sleeper agents, allegedly in the employ of the SVR, the successor to the famed Soviet KGB intelligence services that waged a covert war throughout the Cold War.

Much of the media attention was focused on a beautiful redhead, Anna Chapman, a Manhattan socialite who was charged as an unregistered agent of a foreign government, but largely unnoted was Mihail Semenko, a 28-year-old Seton Hall University graduate. I live in the same community where the university is located.

In all, ten people were arrested by the FBI, suspected of carrying out long-term “deep cover” assignments in the U.S. for Russia .

The ultimate “deep cover” agent, however, may well be Barack Obama. Continue reading

MSM: One in five Californians say they need mental health care

(LATimes) – Almost 5 million California adults say they could use help with a mental or emotional problem, according to a survey released Wednesday by researchers at UCLA. About 1 million of them meet the criteria for “serious psychological distress.”

However, only one in three people who perceive a need for mental health services or are in serious distress have seen a professional for treatment, the survey found. Read More Here

Seven People Have Been Entrusted With The Keys To The Internet

(Gizmodo) – These smart cards are the actual keys to the Internet. There are seven of them and they hold the power to restarting the world wide web “in the event of a catastrophic event.”

The basic idea is that in the event of an Internet catastrophe, the DNSSEC (domain name system security) could be damaged or compromised and we’d be left without a way to verify if a URL is pointing to the correct website. That’s when the holders of these smart cards would be called into action:

A minimum of five of the seven keyholders – one each from Britain, the U.S., Burkina Faso, Trinidad and Tobago, Canada, China, and the Czech Republic – would have to converge at a U.S. base with their keys to restart the system and connect everything once again.

A minimum of five people is needed because each of the smart cards contains only a fraction of the recovery key necessary to set things right again. This means that no single person will hold all the power to resetting our little cyber world. [BBC via PopSci] – Source: BLN

Video: A Danish Scientist breaks the 9/11 culture of silence

(VeteransToday) – Many don’t know about tower 7, it collapsed in 6.5 seconds. It’s routine to look for thermite after fire, FBI didn’t. World trade center collapse is masterpiece demolition. Continue reading

MSM: Doomsday shelters making a comeback

(USAToday) – Jason Hodge, father of four children from Barstow, Calif., says he’s “not paranoid” but he is concerned, and that’s why he bought space in what might be labeled a doomsday shelter.

Hodge bought into the first of a proposed nationwide group of 20 fortified, underground shelters — the Vivos shelter network — that are intended to protect those inside for up to a year from catastrophes such as a nuclear attack, killer asteroids or tsunamis, according to the project’s developers. Read More Here


(SilverBearCafe) – The Market Is a Hologram Masking Deflation – Max Keiser

Since the global financial crisis started in earnest in 2008, there has been a debate raging in economic circles. Is the economy experiencing inflation or deflation? Read More Here

(BusinessInsider) – Niall Ferguson: Empires Fall Abruptly, And The American Empire Is On The Brink

Niall Ferguson, writing in The Australian, believes that the American Empire could be on the brink of extinction. His theory, based on a historical critique of how empires fracture and fall, notes the fiscal instability of the Hapsburg Spanish, Bourbon French, and British Empire prior to their falls. Read More Here

(LudwigInstitute) – Video: There Will Be Hyper(Inflation) by Thorsten Polleit – Video Link Here

(InflationUS) – Video: National Inflation Association Preparing for Hyper-Inflation

See Also: (InflationUS) – Video: Alert! China Dumping T-Bills in Real Time! USA Depression Update! Video Link Here

FLASHBACK – (SeattleTimes) – Bush report: Sending jobs overseas helps U.S. – Read More Here

(CounterPunch) – Abandoning the Manufacturing Sector – Taft-Hartley Revisited – Read More Here

(IND) – The US town that outsourced everything

The authorities in Maywood decided on a drastic approach to their budget deficit – sack every municipal worker Read More Here

(SW) – Let them eat fiscal responsibility

The talk among politicians has turned steadily to austerity, austerity and more austerity. Read More Here

(CounterPunch) – Deaf, Dumb and Blind – US Treasury is Running on Fumes – Paul Craig Roberts

The US economy and the well-being of Americans are being sacrificed to the regime’s wars. The states are broke and laying off teachers. Even “rich” California, formerly touted as “the seventh largest economy in the world,” is reduced to issuing script and cutting its state workers’ pay to the minimum wage. Read More Here

(WSJ) – Tax Aversion Syndrome and Our Deficit Future

We’ve run out of painless options. Higher taxes and reduced entitlement benefits for the well-off are the only solutions. Read More Here

(AllGov) – Banks Failing at Fastest Rate Since 1992 – Read More Here

(CNBC) – Video: Jim Rogers Calls CNBC A Market PR Agency Whose Sole Purpose Is To Make Stocks Go Higher – View Video here

(CBO) – Federal Debt and the Risk of a Fiscal Crisis

Over the past few years, U.S. government debt held by the public has grown rapidly—to the point that, compared with the total output of the economy, it is now higher than it has ever been except during the period around World War II. Read More Here

(SPACE) – More Than 1,300 Space Shuttle Workers Get Layoff Notices

“Our workforce has known for several years that the Space Shuttle Program has been scheduled to end, but layoffs are always difficult for everyone involved,” said Virginia Barnes, USA president and chief executive, said in a July 6 statement. “We are committed to making this transition as smooth as possible.” Read More Here

(AmericanThinker) – Repent — The End Is Near

We are ruled by a political class that lacks ethics, integrity, and ability. We are lied to daily. We are not in an economic recovery. The financial crisis is not over. The reality is that the economy and financial system are in worse trouble today than they were two years ago. We have not seen anything yet compared to what lies ahead! Read More Here

(MyBudget360) – FDIC flashes SOS – 1,000 bank failures before recession is over – FDIC not too far away from tapping into U.S. Treasury $500 billion taxpayer lifeline. Georgia leads the pack with 40 bank failures since 2008 – Read More Here

(CBCNews) – GM closes Windsor plant, ending an era – Read More Here

(FoxNews) – Schwarzenegger Orders Government Worker Furloughs – Read More Here

(TaxProfBlog) – Tax Liens Up 200%, With 26% IRS Error Rate – Read More Here

(Money&Markets) – NEWS FLASH: U.S. industry SINKING FAST — what to do … – Read More Here

(DSNews) – LPS Data Shows GSE Foreclosure Starts Are Accelerating – Read More Here

(Kitco) – Smoking Guns of U.S. Treasury Monetization

A significant feature of fiat money systems is the privilege for the custodian of the reserve currency to engage in regular practices of ham-fisted monetary management, even permission for fraudulent centers to flourish, surely developing a debt monster that an economy grows dependent upon Read More Here


(DakotaVoice) – Liberal Environmentalist Pans Global Warming

You know they hypothesis of anthropogenic global warming is in dire trouble when a liberal environmentalist trashes it publicly. Read More Here

(MailOnline) – British Gas profits soar 98% after bitter winter but company still fails to pass on price cuts

Profits at British Gas have almost doubled after the firm cashed in on a bitterly cold winter that left millions struggling to pay for heat and light. Read More Here

(MercoPress) – Southern Cone frozen: 100 dead and thousands of cattle lost

The polar wave that has trapped the Southern Cone of South America has caused an estimated one hundred deaths and killed thousands of cattle, according to the latest reports on Monday from Argentina, south of Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile and Bolivia. Read More Here

(WashingtonTimes) – EDITORIAL: Pacific islands not sinking from global warming

New study debunks Al Gore’s hysterical fairy tale Read More Here

(Guardian) – Hackers shut down EU carbon-trading website

Hackers hijacked Europe’s carbon-trading website and replaced it with spoof page detailing flaws in cap and trade scheme Read More Here


Video: The Year America Dissolved – Alex Jones covering Paul Craig Roberts Write-Up – Continue reading

Video: Democrat Propaganda Demonizes Tea Party Through Association With Establishment

(SteveWatson) – Democrat leaders have finally realised that anti-establishment sentiment is the driving force behind the Tea Party movement, announcing a plan to demonize it via a national campaign to associate the GOP and the Tea Party as one and the same. Continue reading

World War

(CampaignForLiberty) – Slipping into war… – Ron Paul

Yesterday, Ron Paul spoke on the House floor during debate on a privileged resolution to invoke the War Powers Act and remove our troops from Pakistan. Read More Here

(Uruknet) – Hungry Like the Wolf: Obama’s Legacy of Hope and Change in Honduras – Read More Here

(TheNational) – Do drone attacks make life and death worth less?

The thousands of US officer reports from Afghanistan appearing on Wikileaks yesterday show how technology can imperil a military’s secrecy and operations. But there is another side to that relationship. The technologies used by militaries to kill by remote control, which are becoming increasingly sophisticated and prevalent, are transforming warfare. Read More Here

Video: The Middle East Payoff to Create Chaos – Alex Jones Tv

Alex covers a few stories that break down the deep influence the CIA has all across the middle east. Video Link Here

(OpinionMaker) – The Last Hiccups Of The Falling Empire – Pakistan Warned; Noose Being Tightened

Wiki leaks, Hillary threats, Mike Mullen’s parrot repeats, Holbrooke’s Viceroy authority all in one chorus sounds like a band show going on the in front of Metropolitan Museum of Art on Madison Avenue in full glare of the media spot lights, CNN, Fox News in the forefront.

Why this sudden change and surge of media statements, leaks, open threats in every conceivable way to threaten Pakistan as a reward for her all out support and participation in the so called ‘War on Terror.’ I knew it from day one, that American arrival in Afghanistan with complete involvement of NATO was basically a buildup against Pakistan. I had said it repeatedly in my articles and talks that I delivered at various forums. America wanted to be here to denuclearize, deislamise and delink Pakistan from China; a Zionist dream. Read More Here


Video: Possible False Flag? Japanese Say Oil Tanker Attacked Near Hormuz – Alex Jones Tv – Video Link Here


(Truthout) – Flotilla Tactics: How an Israeli Attack Backfired – Read More Here

(CommonDreams) – Lying About the Gaza Flotilla Disaster

It’s been one lie after another in the US media about the Israeli attack on the Gaza-bound relief flotilla. No matter that the Israeli media views the whole incident as a debacle for Israel, in this country the Israel-can-do-no-wrong crowd is on overdrive defending the operation. As usual, facts don’t matter to them.

Except they do. Read More Here

(Vimeo) – Video: GAZA-STROPHE, the day after

We came to Gaza in the aftermath of the war, and with our friends the Palestinian Human Rights delegates, we discovered the extent of the «Gaza-strophy». The accounts of dozens of witnesses of Israel’s war against Gaza who take us to depth of the Palestinians’ nightmare. Video Link Here

(Guardian) – Video: Ethnic cleansing in the Israeli Negev

Around 300 Bedouins living in Israel’s Negev desert are homeless after police raided their village and razed their homes Video Link Here

(Infitfada) – Bedouin village razed in Negev as Israelis cheer on

Early morning on 27 July, Israeli bulldozers, flanked by helicopters and throngs of police, demolished the entire Bedouin village of al-Araqib in the northern Negev desert. Despite their land rights cases still pending in the court system, hundreds of al-Araqib villagers were instantly made homeless a month after Israeli police posted demolition orders.

Eyewitness reports say the police were accompanied by several busloads of right-wing Israeli civilians who cheered during the demolitions. Read More Here


(WSWS) – A record of war crimes

The tens of thousands of documents posted online by WikiLeaks Sunday have provided a detailed and searing indictment of a criminal colonial war that the Obama administration has made its own.

In its sheer volume—92,000 documents, 200,000 pages—the so-called Afghan War Diary makes an incontrovertible case that for nearly nine years the US military has conducted a campaign of terror and deadly violence against the Afghan people. Read More Here

(TheHill) – Graham: Prosecute WikiLeaks

“I’m willing to prosecute anybody who led to undermining the war effort,” Graham said during an appearance on Fox News. Read More Here

(DemocracyNow) – Video: WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange: “Transparent Government Tends to Produce Just Government”

We spend the hour with Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, talking about the biggest leak in US history: the release of more than 91,000 classified military records on the war in Afghanistan. As the Pentagon announces it is launching a criminal probe into who leaked the documents, Assange asks what about investigating the “war crimes” revealed in the leaked military records? He also talks about the media, why he isn’t coming to the US anytime soon, and what gives him hope. “What keeps us going is our sources. These are the people, presumably, who are inside these organizations, who want change,” Assange says. “They are both heroic figures taking much greater risks than I ever do, and they are pushing and showing that they want change in, in fact, an extremely effective way.” – Continue reading

Disarming America

(NewsWithViews) – A determined campaign is being waged in the United States that is perpetuated by the Godless humanists who endeavor, at the leading of Satan the greatest criminal mind in the Universe, to pave the way to a sheer control of the people and to establish the United States as a constituent of a one-world order.

This campaign is directed at a disarming of the people that they might be deprived of the tools to resist or challenge tyrannical totalitarian governance. But, hold on you might exclaim – this is not a totalitarian state, it is a Constitutional Republic. The heck you say, then how is it that our utilitarian communist president, Barack Obama, has been able to, in eighteen short months, accomplish the expropriation of private capital and industry and to establish a now nearly autonomous dictatorship under his despotic control? How is it that he has been able to assemble what amounts to a communist politburo via the unsanctioned appointments of an assemblage of communist progressives with an ascendancy over the will of the people? This could only take place under a totalitarian system of government. Read entire article

The first four steps toward our fight to win back the Republic

(TGBReport) – Government from Federal all the way down to the local level has been transformed from the elected officials working for us to us working for them.  We need to send a message this election season that it is not about Republican or Democrat, Conservative or Liberal, it is about Insiders vs “We the People”.  We must first ans foremost  start by understanding our Constitutional duty to be informed on what are the President, Senators, Congressman, Governors, State Assembly, County and Township elected officials. Continue reading

National Ocean Council – Cassandra Anderson

(Infowars) – Thirty states will be encroached upon by Obama’s Executive Order establishing the National Ocean Council for control over America’s oceans, coastlines and the Great Lakes. Under this new council, states’ coastal jurisdictions will be subject to the United Nations’ Law Of Sea Treaty (LOST) in this UN Agenda 21 program. America’a oceans and coastlines will be broken into 9 regions that include the North East, Mid-Atlantic, South Atlantic, the Gulf Coast, West Coast, the Great Lakes, Alaska, the Pacific Islands (including Hawaii) and the Caribbean. Continue reading

MSM: Judge Blocks Key Parts of Immigration Law in Arizona

(NYTimes) – A federal judge, ruling on a clash between the federal government and a state over immigration policy, has blocked the most controversial parts of Arizona’s immigration enforcement law from going into effect.

In a ruling on a law that has rocked politics coast to coast and thrown a spotlight on the border state’s fierce debate over immigration, United States District Court Judge Susan Bolton in Phoenix said some aspects of the law can go into effect as scheduled on Thursday.

The parts of the law that the judge blocked included the sections that called for officers to check a person’s immigration status while enforcing other laws and that required immigrants to carry their papers at all times. Judge Bolton put those sections on hold until the issues are resolved by the courts.

The judge’s decision, which came as demonstrators opposed and supporting the law gathered here and after three hearings in the past two weeks in which she peppered lawyers on both sides with skeptical questions, seemed unlikely to quell the debate. Full article here

Video: Slo County Sheriff’s deputies violate 4th amendment rights of Matt Hart

Call The SLO County Sheriffs Department – (805)781-4550 – For Complaints

(KCCN.TV) – SLO County Sheriff’s deputies illegally search the home of Matt Hart and openly discuss how they will get away with it. To date, Matt Hart has not recieved all of his firearms back from the department, including one that the deputies expressed interest in owning.

This cannot be swept under the rug. Help spread this around to help gain attention so Mr. Hart can push his lawsuit against this blatant violation of his civil rights by those deputies. We cannot allow these people to shred the Constitution just because they feel like it. Continue reading

Video: Texas Officer – Fusion Centers Militarizing Local Police for “Gestapo Role” Under (COG) Plan

Alex talks to an officer from his home state of Texas about the Fusion Centers training police and new hires to be like the same military force that is over in iraq terrorizing iraqi citizens under a total police state run stystem. Continue reading

The United States Remains a British Colony II

(MoneyTeachers) – In our previous article we demonstrated that, through our National Banks, Great Britain was able to receive all of the benefits of occupation without any of the expense. By earning interest on our currency since colonial times, they have managed to enslave an unwitting American populace to their political, economic and global agenda. Read More Here

Carbonphobia, the real environmental threat

(Aletho) – The proposed construction of a new generation of nuclear plants is just one aspect of the environmental threat posed by cap and trade or carbon taxes. In this report I will address yet another threat, biomass energy generation. Wood chips and wood pellets are exempt from European Union permit rules for carbon emissions, ostensibly because the chipped trees recently absorbed carbon from the atmosphere. The fact that the trees would have sequestered the carbon for centuries if left as living natural habitat and soil regenerative decomposing matter is conveniently overlooked.

Energy legislation in the U.S. has yet to be passed but current bills similarly promote the wholesale clearing of forests for combustion. Bloomberg describes it as energy sprawl: Read More Here


(InfoClearingHouse) – Wall Street Gets Trillions While Workers Get Bupkis – Mike Whitney – Read More Here

(ActivistPost) – 5 Reasons NOT to Pay Your Credit Cards

We live in a matrix that goes to unspeakable expense to nurture us from the teat to be good consumers. You are issued a tax collection number at birth (SS#), another artificial number for your credit worthiness (FICO), and then you’re extended a certain amount of tokens to play “life” based on those numbers. This virtual currency, not unlike your earned Farmville coins, only has value because you give it value. Read More Here

(Politico) – Video: Feds demand diversity on Wall Street

A little-noticed section of the Wall Street reform law grants the federal government broad new powers to compel financial firms to hire more women and minorities — an effort at promoting diversity that’s drawing fire from Republicans who say it could lead to de facto hiring quotas. Video Link Here

(USAWatchdog) – Banking Disaster Largely Ignored By Mainstream Media – Read More Here

(FoxNews) – SEC Says New Financial Regulation Law Exempts it From Public Disclosure

So much for transparency.

Under a little-noticed provision of the recently passed financial-reform legislation, the Securities and Exchange Commission no longer has to comply with virtually all requests for information releases from the public, including those filed under the Freedom of Information Act. Read More Here

(HuffingtonPost) – Nevada’s Economic Misery May Be America’s Future

So many homes in Las Vegas have been foreclosed upon that banks rarely bother to hang a “For Sale” sign on the front lawn anymore. Instead, visitors identify bank-owned properties by the brown grass and the 8.5 x 11-inch sheet of paper taped to the front door or the garage. Read More Here

(ComingDepressionNet) – Hard hit Canadian, American cities contracting out police, garbage, other workers

Faced with a $118 million budget deficit, the city of San Jose, Calif., recently decided it could no longer afford its own janitors. So the city’s budget called for dropping its custodial staff and hiring outside contractors to clean its city hall and airport, saving about $4 million. Read More Here

(EndlessMountainVLog) – Video: Why is the Economy Collapsing? – Video Link Here

Video: The Coming Economic Collapse – Continue reading

Video: Chuck Baldwin – D.C. Declares War On States – Alex Jones Tv

Alex welcomes back to the show Chuck Baldwin, founder-pastor of Crossroad Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida, and the presidential nominee of the Constitution Party for the 2008 election. Baldwin edited The Freedom Documents, an anthology containing 50 essential documents of American history. Alex and Mr. Baldwin will discuss Chuck’s article DC Declares War On States and other important issues. Continue reading

Health News

(RobDewKurtNimmo) – World Net Daily writer says Fluoride is good for you. An open letter to Phil Elmore

Writers Note: The following is a lengthy article with links to government documents. In order to fully understand the argument presented, it is suggested the reader save the documents and study them. Keyword searches of the terms presented below will help better understand the dangers of fluoride. Read More Here

(Makow) – Deja Vu: Government Poisoning Americans

America is being attacked with WMD by land (Pesticide Fogging), by Air (Chemtrails) and by sea (Dispersants).
“EPA Whistleblower Says Federal Government Covering Up Lethality Of Corexit And Lying About BP Gulf Oil Spill Water Samples To Save BP Billions”
“Democracy Now has published a shocking interview with a top EPA official, Hugh Kaufman, who tells us that NOAA and the EPA are covering up the lethal effects of the neurotoxin pesticide dispersants and lying about Gulf Oil Spill water samples to save BP billions of dollars in fines.” Read More Here

(DrMomma) – Your Body within 1 Hour of Drinking Soda

I have to admit, as a former teacher, I used to cringe when I saw the amounts of soda my students could put away in a day. We may as well have installed a soda pop fountain instead of the water fountain. Later, as I worked with parents of infants, I almost choked on a bite of lunch one day to see a baby’s bottle filled with Coke. Since that memorable day, I have met others who regularly purchase Pepsi for their tots and think nothing of it when they stock the fridge with Mt. Dew.

One thing I know for sure: soda in no way benefits your baby, your child (or you!) Read More Here

(USAToday) – Chemical BPA found on cash register receipts

Laboratory tests found high levels of the estrogen-like chemical bisphenol A on 40% of cash register receipts from major U.S. businesses, the Environmental Working Group today reports.

BPA levels higher than those in canned foods, baby bottles and infant formula were detected on at least one of several receipts from Chevron, McDonalds, CVS, KFC, Whole Foods, Safeway, the U.S. Postal Service, Walmart and the U.S. House of Representatives cafeteria, according to the private Washington-based research group. Read More Here

(NaturalNews) – One third of cancer deaths in people and dogs are preventable through diet changes

Here’s good news for both you and your best friend: one out of three cancer deaths in humans as well as dogs can be prevented by simple, natural diet changes. That’s the conclusion of research just presented by Demian Dressler, DVM, at the 2010 Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) Annual Meeting & Food Expo in Chicago, Illinois. Read More Here

BP Oil Gusher

(MetaOceanic) – Oil Spill Epidemic

Why are oil spills suddenly occurring constantly, all over the world? Just this year, the environment has taken an unprecedented beating, from the oil industry alone. Read More Here

(Examiner) – Obama, BP Violate Human Rights Article 23

Returning to work after tropical storm Bonnie, poor people’s human rights continue to be violated in the Gulf of Mexico lethal oil and chemical dispersant operation. The Obama administration knows and is condoning these violations. Read More Here

(ITNNews) – Video: BP reveals 11 billion loss – Video Link Here

(Uruknet) – Growing Health Crisis in the Gulf – Stephen Lendman

The combination of millions of gallons of oil and dispersants has made large areas of the Gulf toxic and dangerous, marine toxicologist Ricki Ott saying if she lived there with children she’d leave – based on her firsthand experience after the 1989 Prince William Sound, Alaska Exxon Valdez disaster and subsequent research, documented in her books titled, “Sound Truth and Corporate Myth$: The Legacy of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill” and “Not One Drop – Betrayal and Courage in the Wake of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill.” Read More Here

(HigginsBlog) – BP Gulf Oil Spill Seeps Mapped In Google Earth – Feds Explanation Of Sea Floor Leaks Don’t Add Up

While the NOAA data collected by the Thomas Jefferson and The Gordon Gunter revealed a series of oil and and or natural gas leaks and was nicely presented in the 3D Model above it did very little to shed any light of where exactly the leaks were located or even how far from the BP well the leaks were. Read More Here

(WashingtonsBlog) – Video: Admiral Allen Says Gas Seep is from the Rigel Gas Field … Did BP Accidentally Tap Into the Rigel Gas Field? – Video Link Here

Michigan Spill

(HuffingtonPost) – Video: Michigan Oil Spill Among Largest In Midwest History: Kalamazoo Spill SOAKS Wildlife

As the Gulf Coast deals with the worst environmental disaster in U.S. history, the Midwest is now facing an oil spill of its own. View More Here

(WZZM13) – NWS: Oil spill could reach Lake Michigan by Sunday

Battle Creek area residents are being warned to stay away from the Kalamazoo River because of a major oil spill.

An estimated 840,000 gallons of oil leaked into a creek Monday that feeds into the river. Read More Here


(ActivistPost) – Video: Barge crashes into oil well in Gulf, NEW 20ft High Oil Gusher (RAW FOOTAGE)

The US Coast Guard dispatched emergency teams Tuesday after a boat crashed into an oil well off the coast of New Orleans, reportedly sending crude spewing some 20 feet into the air. Continue reading

General Electric pays $23 million to settle Iraq bribery charges

(RawStory) – US industrial titan General Electric has agreed to pay over 23 million dollars to settle allegations that it bribed Iraqi officials, a US financial watchdog said on Tuesday.

GE had been accused by the Securities and Exchange Commission of being part of “a 3.6 million dollar kickback scheme with Iraqi government agencies to win contracts to supply medical equipment and water purification equipment.”

Four subsidiaries of the Connecticut-based company were accused of bribing officials at the Iraqi ministries of health and oil, trading cash, computer equipment and medical supplies to win lucrative contracts. Continue reading

World War

(KennysBlog) – WikiLeaks ‘partners’ NY Times and The Guardian point the finger at Pakistan

Could the leaks be used to expand the war in Pakistan? Another ‘never waste an opportunity’ moment? The MSM is playing up this point. Will the American people ever say ‘enough is enough?’ Read More Here

(RTTNews) – Russian Probe Sees No N Korea Hand In Cheonan Sinking

In what could be a morale-booster for North Korea in its stand-off with South Korea–and, by extension, the U.S.,– Russian naval experts who inquired into the sinking of a South Korean warship March 26, found unconvincing the arguments put forward by a four-nation team of investigators, blaming Pyongyang for the tragedy, an Interfax-AVN news wire report, quoting an anonymous Russian Navy source, said Tuesday. Read More Here

(PoliticalTheatrics) – Two US Resolutions – One World War

On July 22nd a House Resolution was proposed by 47 US Representatives – led by Rep. Louis Buller Gohmert,Republican Representative from Texas’s 1st congressional district; House Resolution 1553.
The resolutions main proposal reads as follows:
“Expressing support for the State of Israel’s right to defend Israeli sovereignty, to protect the lives and safety of the Israeli people, and to use all means necessary to confront and eliminate nuclear threats posed by the Islamic Republic of Iran, including the use of military force if no other peaceful solution can be found within reasonable time to protect against such an immediate and existential threat to the State of Israel.” Read More Here

(JapanTimes) – Black Sea challenge by U.S. set to keep Russia on edge

A storm is gathering in and around the Black Sea as Russia faces a mounting challenge from the United States, which is beefing up its military presence in former Soviet satellite countries like Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary. Read More Here

(AllGov) – 8-Year-Long Ban on Sex Trafficking in War Zones Never Enforced

Agencies claim they don’t have the resources to pursue companies accused of such charges. Human rights groups refuse to believe the inaction on the part of the government is due solely to limited resources. Read More Here


(KurtNimmo) – Possible False Flag? Japanese Say Oil Tanker Attacked Near Hormuz

Bloomberg is reporting this morning that an oil tanker owned by the Japanese company Mitsui O.S.K. Lines Ltd., operator of the world’s second-largest oil-tanker fleet, may have been attacked near the Strait of Hormuz, a strategically important waterway between the Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf bordering Iran. Read More Here

(AmericanConservative) – Who Voted for War With Iran, Mr. Obama?

House of Representatives resolution 1553, introduced by Congressional Republicans, and currently working its way through the system will endorse an Israeli attack on Iran, which would be going to war by proxy as the US would almost immediately be drawn into the conflict when Tehran retaliates. Read More Here

(PressTV) – Video: Russians Say’s War With Iran is Completely Unacceptable – Video Link Here

(ITP) – Iran targeted by industrial theft worm

Stuxnet worm which attempts to steal industrial control systems data hits Iran hardest Read More Here

(AFP) – EU’s Iran energy sanctions ‘unacceptable’: Russia

Russia on Tuesday blasted unilateral European Union sanctions imposed against Iran’s energy sector as “unacceptable”, saying the move showed a disregard for the UN Security Council.
“We have already said many times that we consider unacceptable the practice of unilateral or collective sanctions measures against Iran, that go beyond the Security Council sanctions regime in operation in the country,” the foreign ministry said. Read More Here

(AP) – Ex-CIA chief: Strike on Iran seems more likely now

A former CIA director says military action against Iran now seems more likely because no matter what the U.S. does diplomatically, Tehran keeps pushing ahead with its suspected nuclear program. Read More Here


Video: PM Cameron calls Gaza a Prison Camp – Video Link Here

(Haaretz) – Israel destroys a whole Negev Village – 200 Children left Homeless

Early this morning police raided the unrecognized Bedouin village of al-Arakib in the Negev, destroyed all 40 of its houses, and evicted more than 300 residents. Read More Here

(Aletho) – Gaza children shelled by flechette bombs

Shells containing flechettes are illegal under international law if fired into densely-populated civilian areas. Three other children were wounded in the attack. Read More Here

(Guardian) – David Cameron: Israeli blockade has turned Gaza Strip into a ‘prison camp’ – Read More Here

(TodayOnline) – EU urges Israel to allow more goods in, out of Gaza, action in peace process – Read More Here


(Guardian) – Video: Afghanistan war logs – Wikileaks founder Julian Assange – ‘There appears to be evidence of war crimes’ – Read More Here

(Yahoo) – Leaked files indicate U.S. pays Afghan media to run friendly stories

Buried among the 92,000 classified documents released Sunday by WikiLeaks is some intriguing evidence that the U.S. military in Afghanistan has adopted a PR strategy that got it into trouble in Iraq: paying local media outlets to run friendly stories. Read More Here

Video: Alex Jones – Iraq Vet’s info on Austin SWAT being Trained in Iraq for Checkpoints in USA were True

Alex responds to the comments in a video from a caller who said he saw Austin SWAT officials being trained in iraq for checkpoints and door to door gun confiscation back in the usa were true! Continue reading

The Year America Dissolved – Paul Craig Roberts

(InfoClearingHouse) – It was 2017. Clans were governing America.

The first clans organized around local police forces. The conservatives’ war on crime during the late 20th century and the Bush/Obama war on terror during the first decade of the 21st century had resulted in the police becoming militarized and unaccountable.

As society broke down, the police became warlords. The state police broke apart, and the officers were subsumed into the local forces of their communities. The newly formed tribes expanded to encompass the relatives and friends of the police. Continue reading