Video: Wearechange schools Pittsburgh police on constitution @ g20

Luke Rudkowski of schools pittsburgh police on their duty to the constitution and thier oath. Police use LRAD sound cannons and tear gas on peaceful protesters. Continue reading

Video: Larry King Interviews Ahmadinejad about Protest Violence

(CNN) – They discuss the election protests in Iran and Ahmad compares them to the protest in Pittsburgh(G20) – September 25, 2009 Continue reading

Military Attacks American Citizens With Sound Weapons & Tear Gas At G20

REUTERS UPDATE: Secret Service confirms that police are shooting #g20 protesters with “bean bags.” But check out what they look like. Via Continue reading

See amazing collection of homemade signs, images from 9/12 protest

As taxpayers stormed Washington, D.C., Saturday, they carried a host of creative handmade signs condemning government spending, soaring deficits, increased taxes, a high unemployment rate, Congress, czars, President Obama’s health-care plan and his eligibility status.

The following are just a few memorable photos and signs from the event: Continue reading

Video: CNBC’s Santelli Rips Media for Ignoring 9/12 DC March

Not everyone at the NBC Universal umbrella of networks got the gag order memo about the Sept. 12 march on Washington, D.C. Continue reading

Pictures of The Estimated Two Million People at the Washington Protests

I was there, and I say more than ever~God Bless America…Keep up the fight, there are millions out there that feel just as we do…It was awesome, I no longer feel alone in our fight to ‘ TAKE AMERICA BACK’  OVER 2.5 MILLION PEOPLE, IS THAT AWESOME OR IS THAT AWESOME… VIRGINIA BROOKS

Continue reading

Video: Massive Corporate Media Coverup of Real Numbers at D.C. Rally

The Gray Lady of Operation Mockingbird, the New York Times, reports today that “thousands” of patriots protested against Obamacare, cap and trade, the bankster bailout, and unchecked federal government power in the District of Criminals yesterday. Continue reading

Video: Tea Party Protesters to CNN – “Tell the Truth!”

During an attempt by CNN’s Fredricka Whitfield to demonize Rep. Joe Wilson, a crowd in D.C. tells Lisa Desjardins, the Capitol Hill correspondent for CNNRadio, to tell the truth and for CNN to go home. Continue reading

Video: Fort Lee Troops And Police Take On Protesters in “Anti-Terrorism” Drill

Soldiers teamed up with police at Fort Lee, Virginia this week for a three day long “anti-terrorism drill” that involved defending themselves from actors playing the part of “agitated” protesters. Continue reading

Video: Israeli Soldiers Fire on Al Jazeera Correspondent

(Al Jazeera) – Israeli soldiers have fired tear gas on Palestinians protesting against the Israeli separation barrier which cuts through their West Bank village. Continue reading

Fort Lee training exercise deals with mock protesters

(RichmondTimes) – Motorists along state Route 36 just outside Fort Lee slowed down yesterday morning to take a peek at the soldiers in full gear guarding the main gate. Continue reading

Video: Officer Does Not Like anti-Obama Poster: “It ain’t [America] no more, OK?”

This video was taken on Tuesday, August 25th, 2009 at Rep. Jim Moran’s (D-VA) Town Hall meeting on Obama Deathcare (Howie Dean was there too) held at South Lakes High School in Reston, VA. Continue reading

MSM: The Real Reason Americans Are Angry – It’s The Big Government, Stupid

(NYPost) – It’s been a hilarious August, watching media supporters of President Obama’s health care package puzzle over the obscure motivations of the noncompliant Americans rallying against it. Continue reading

Video: Thousands Protest Obamacare Around the Country on Saturday

On Saturday, thousands of Americans opposed to Obamacare demonstrated outside the offices of Congress critters around the country. “The organizers who brought the Tax Day Tea Party to cities around the nation this spring recruited thousands of protesters Saturday afternoon to anti-health care reform rallies staged in front of at least 100 Congressional district offices,” the Washington Post reports. Continue reading

How the Repeal of All Gun Laws Will Free America

Most Americans do not make the connection between American Gun Control and today’s scandals of bank bailouts, corporate takeovers, immense failures, government intrusion and indifference, massive disrespect for the electorate, and other harassment of the sovereign. There is a connection. Continue reading

Video: Ron Paul on “The ED Show”

(MSNBC) – August 12, 2009 – Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, joins the Ed Show to discuss whether Americans should be allowed to bring guns to protests like William Kostric did at a protest outside President Barack Obama’s health care town hall. Continue reading

“Manufactured Protests” Myth Starts To Crack

The media created myth that the town hall protests raging across the country are artificially manufactured is starting to crack, as the public takes the press to task for parroting the erroneous talking point that the demonstrations are the work of lobbyists and Republican organizations, and that they are fostered by underlying racism. Continue reading

Obama’s Genocide Program is the Last Straw

The facts are slapping us in the face. Obama has been committing felony crimes against America and her citizens! America must demand he be arrested and tried for his crimes! Continue reading

The Start Of The Second American Revolution?

For a long time people have been asking why Americans are not up in arms, screaming and shouting about their fast disappearing liberties along with the continuous passage of legislation that they vehemently oppose, from the banker bailout, to the cap and trade bill, to Obamacare. Well now they are screaming and shouting – and if the momentum continues to build, this rebellion could the spark to ignite the second American revolution. Continue reading

Could the great recession lead to a great revolution?

(Yahoo) – For the first time in generations, people are challenging the view that a free-market order – the system that dominates the globe today – is the destiny of all nations. The free market’s uncanny ability to enrich the elite, coupled with its inability to soften the sharp experiences of staggering poverty, has pushed inequality to the breaking point. Continue reading

MSM: Police given powers to enter homes and tear down anti-Olympics posters during 2012 Games

(DailyMail) – Police have been handed ‘Chinese-style’ powers to enter private homes and seize political posters during the London 2012 Olympics. Continue reading

Protest at Bohemian Grove July 11-12, 2009

July 11th and 12th. 10 am to 5 pm. Bohemian Grove.
This years elite retreat at Bohemian Grove is fast approaching. Many of the Grove’s guests will be flying into Santa Rosa Airport on the 10th of July, a Friday. They will travel West towards a small town called Monte Rio via highway 116, or River Road to discuss events and policy in private. Continue reading

Preparing For Civil Unrest

The most remarkable thing about civil unrest is that there hasn’t been more of it. Politicians are making a hash of this country-and much of the rest of the civilized world. We know it. They know it. They know we know it. But we don’t feel we can do anything much to stop them. Continue reading

Video: Tea Party protests rock America on July 4th

(RussiaToday) – Tea Party-goers gathered en mass on July 4 to express serious concern about the direction the US is going. Many in attendance praised Ron Paul, a Republican congressman and former presidential candidate Continue reading

Chavez Threatens to Invade as Honduran Army Stages Coup

Venezuelan leader vows to ‘act militarily’ after leftist ally Manuel Zelaya is overthrown and exiled to Costa Rica Continue reading

U.S. Dollars Support Iranian “Dissidents”

The Obama administration is moving forward with plans to fund groups that support Iranian dissidents, records and interviews show, continuing a program that became controversial when it was expanded by President Bush. Continue reading

Video: Iran Protests ‘The Flag of the Shah’

Okay, let us settle this matter once and for all. Here is the flag of Persia, used prior to 1925. Note the ratio of length to height, more a banner than a flag. Note also the paler coloring. Continue reading

Who’s A Low Level Terrorist? Are You?

Recently, an American Civil Liberties Union report pointed out, “Anti-terrorism training materials currently being used by the Department of Defense (DoD) teach its personnel that free expression in the form of public protests should be regarded as ‘low level terrorism’.” Continue reading

MSM: Slain Neda is ‘one of my daughters’, shah’s son says

(AFP) — The son of the late shah of Iran, Reza Pahlavi, was Monday carrying in his breastpocket a photograph of the slain protester known as Neda said to have been killed in the Tehran protests. Continue reading

Are the Iranian Protests Another US Orchestrated “Color Revolution?”

(Paul Craig Roberts) – A number of commentators have expressed their idealistic belief in the purity of Mousavi, Montazeri, and the westernized youth of Tehran. The CIA destabilization plan, announced two years ago (see below) has somehow not contaminated unfolding events. Continue reading

Facebook, Google Go Persian, Aiding Iran’s Activists

Some of the Web’s leading firms are rolling out new features, to accommodate worldwide interest in the protests in Iran — and to not-so-subtly help out the pro-democracy movement inside the country. Continue reading

Iran Faces Greater Risks Than It Knows

(Paul Craig Roberts) – Stephen Kinzer’s book, All the Shah’s Men: An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror, tells the story of the overthrow of Iran’s democratically elected leader, Mohammed Mosaddeq, by the CIA and the British MI6 in 1953. The CIA bribed Iranian government officials, businessmen, and reporters, and paid Iranians to demonstrate in the streets. Continue reading

Indigenous ‘genocide’ in battle for oilfields

It has been called the world’s second “oil war” but the only similarity between Iraq and events in the jungles of northern Peru over the past few weeks has been the mismatch of force. On one side have been police armed with automatic weapons, tear gas, helicopter gunships and armoured cars. On the other are several thousand Awajun and Wambis Indians, many of them in war paint and armed with bows and arrows, and spears. Continue reading

Cyberwarfare Begins in Iran

An apparently ad-hoc cyber protest against the results of recent Iranian elections has knocked key websites off-line. Continue reading

DoD Training Manual Describes Protest As “Low-Level Terrorism”

Pentagon training course says engaging in First Amendment is terrorist activity Continue reading

Mikhail Gorbachev calls for new American revolution

(RawStory) – Mikhail Gorbachev, the Soviet Union’s last communist general secretary, called for a new American “revolution” — also calling it a “perestroika,” or government restructuring — in an editorial published Wednesday in The Sydney Morning Herald . Continue reading

MSM: China moves to censor home computers

(Telegraph) – The Chinese government wants all computers sold in China after July to come with software that automatically censors the internet. Continue reading

MSM: Nine more police killed in Amazon protests

President Alan Garcia labored yesterday to contain Peru’s worst political violence in years, as nine more police officers were killed in a bloody standoff with Amazon Indians fighting his efforts to exploit oil, gas and other resources on their native lands. Continue reading